Be Safe, Be Sure, Buy SIADAW Be Safe in the knowledge that you can have complete confidence in our products to perform exactly as you would want them to for as long as you want them to.
Be Sure that buying our product guarantees you will have the best that today’s manufacturing can offer, with the best technology on the inside as well as on the outside.
Buying Siadaw simply means you get the best product with levels of service and support to rival any.
We have extended our range of Thermostatic products which are all supplied with our Fail-Safe Cartridge to ensure you are protected at all times. We hope you like many of the new products we have introduced which has extended our offering in a number of key areas.
We are serious about our products and they are very important to us, if you feel the same way then have a look at what we have to offer, you won’t be disappointed.
Welcome to the SIADAW Web Site
Welcome to our range of Kitchen and Bathroom Brassware and Accessories.
Our aim is to offer quality products with the very best levels of service, from a team that fully understand the needs of the market.
Here you will find innovation alongside the established, but we know all will tempt....